AHYMSIN newsletter, Issue - April 2012 | ||||||||||||||
Puroheeta-Dikshaby Swami Veda BharatiThe SRSG ashram is rich in matri-shakti (Mother Power) in the form of many ladies who have been serving the ashram for years, some for more than a decade in many different capacities. Most of them are mothers of children who are growing fast and need a little less attention. Swami Veda’s intuition felt that it was time to help these matri-shaktis grow in their roles in SRSG life. The Shri-chakra was about to be installed on 31st March in a newly built shrine. Divine Mother Sita-Tara (White Tara), a statue of pure white marble, would also be consecrated the following day. Kusum Uniyal, wife of Pandit Harshanand who has been serving as an ashram priest for 11 years, was selected to be the priestess for the Mother shrine and received basic training throughout the month of March.
On 28th March, Kusum and five other human-form matri-shaktis gathered around the sacred fire of the ashram’s main yajnya-shala and poured the sacred offerings as Swami Veda recited the mantras. The five others were Meena Sharma, Mamta Nakoti, Suneeta Nakoti, Sona Sahoo and Geeta Bhoi. Along with other traditional recitations and mantras, they made offerings to each of the five divine forces and recited the following vows:
Then with their palms facing the fire, then taking their palms to their faces, each matri-shakti took the light and brilliance of the sacred fire into her very core with this prayer:
Then Swami Veda wrapped sacred shawls around each of the deeksharthinis (ladies receiving this deeksha), as they sat near him with bowed heads and joined hands. He gave them some necessary instructions. Then they all went into the Meditation Hall with flowers in their hands to receive Gurudeva’s blessings. They were all given a consecration diksha. This puroheeta-diksha was part of a long procession leading to the consecration of the new Devi Temple, its crystal Shree Yantra and Divine Mother as Tara. Kusum will be the main priestess and the others will help her in many tasks around the shrines. Already, from the 31st March 2013 establishing of shri-yantra, they all have begun to play their sacred role together. They lend devotion, true bhakti, to an arid world. 1 Filled, made complete, not remain deficient. It be filled with forces of inner life. Editor’s Note:We invite you to watch the “The Mother Divine Temple, The Shri Yanta and The Tara Devi. 2012” video made by Michelle Kinsey on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_3g5irkWjU&feature=share