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15 February @ 10:19 PM IST

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Full Moon Meditation

12 February

Full moon 2025 02 February

Full moon 2025 02 February

You are invited to sit in meditation for an hour wherever you are, in your home or with friends. Total beginners and longtime practitioners, non-initiates and initiates are welcome. If you cannot sit for the entire hour, sit as long as you are able; as Swami Veda has said, “Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise..”

Swami Veda Bharati has written:

Yoga Philosophy views the mind as Universal field; its waves passing through us and becoming our individual minds. This Universal mind is a radiant force and is also known as a Universal Guru within.

When all sit together at the same time even in different parts of the world, they connect to the Universal Guru mind and generate a strong field, like so many magnets being joined together and forming a much stronger magnet; the strength of each then equals the combined strength of all.

Thus it is when we join together in meditation, and together enter the Guru-mind’s Field. On certain days of the year the Wave of Beauty and the Wave of Bliss flows very strong. These are the sacred days.

Swami Ritavan Bharati has said:

The full moon meditations are an opportunity for us to come together in connecting with the universal mind-field bringing unity, harmony, peace and love. Go into your silence; exhale-release, inhale-accept, forgive & fulfil, with purified heart and mind receive the blessings of the Lineage.

Calculating Your Time

There are four “1 hour” periods within the 24 hours. We invite you to sit with others at your local time, calculated from the nearest time zone as listed below. The times below are in local time. If your local time is observing a summer/winter switch (called “Daylight Savings Time in the USA, for example), then use that time. Basically, convert the time and time zone below to your local time. A good resource for calculating local times next to another time is timeanddate.com

Local Timings

7 AM in India (IST), surrounding countries adjust the time accordingly, for example Iran is 5 AM.
8 PM in East Asia, 8 PM Singapore time. Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand etc. adjust their times to coincide with Singapore time 8 PM.
8 PM in U.K. (London Time).Those in all European, and all African time zones, please adjust your sitting time to coincide with 8 PM United Kingdom.
10 PM in New York. Surrounding countries and regions of South, Central and North America and the Caribbean to match their time to 10 PM New York time.


12 February
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12 February
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