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![]() Breath Control~ Swami Rama Almost everyone has felt the influences of stress at some point during life, perhaps relating to a situation at school, work or in one’s family. Although the stresses in our environment cannot be controlled, our reaction to them can be. Breath can be used as a very powerful tool in the regulation of both the mind and body, and thus also in the reduction of stress. Most people, however, have never observed their own process of breathing; its qualities and patterns have remained unknown, hidden in the unconscious mind. Although the breath is maintained by unconscious mechanisms in the body, it can be brought under our conscious control, and unhealthy breathing habits can be corrected. In doing this, one can decrease the level of stress in one’s life and feel more balanced and relaxed. Despite the obvious importance of the breath, a majority of us have poor breathing patterns, which disturb us physically, mentally and emotionally. These improper breathing habits thus create stress and can eventually lead to other imbalances and complications. The importance of good breathing is paramount, for it continually provides us with nourishment and cleanses our body; the oxygen inhaled is utilized by every cell of our body. When this gas exchange does not take place efficiently, the entire pulmonary-cardiovascular system must work harder in order to properly oxygenate the blood. By paying attention to one’s breath, one can become aware of its irregularities and dysfunctions. Observe your own breathing for a moment and you may notice pauses and jerks that interrupt its flow. The breath should be allowed to flow smoothly. Pauses and jerks arise from poor breathing habits and disturb the nervous system. These irregularities in the breath can be corrected with consistent, daily practice of smooth, even breathing, which in turn will give rise to greater control over the respiratory motion and lead to a state of mental and physical calmness and alertness. Read more |
![]() Atma Tattva Avalokanam~ Swami Veda Bharati – Swami Veda’s Address to the Gathering of the Sangha, February 2nd 2010 Meditation: “The Breather Observing the Breath” Free your mind. Free your mind of all the parigrahas, everything that mind has grabbed onto, hold nothing. Let your mind calm. Come back home, to the divine temple that is your body, that is your being, that is your prana, that is your mind, that is your self. You the Atman. Be aware of your self. No names, no conditions, no limitations, nothing that the mind has identified with. Be your own pure silent Self. Only be aware of your being. No ripple in your being, only the silent self. Know yourself to be free of all becomings, all motivations, all vrittis, all operations of the mind. Only dwell in Atma Tattva Avalokanam, awareness of Atman the Self. As the mind wanders, come back to your pure silent being, wherever in you, you experience it. Read more |
![]() Rasa - The Flavor of Essence~ Swami Ritavan Bharati Entering the subtle realms of Mind in the Buddhi There is a word in the Sanskrit language. The word is RASA. The word, rasa means a juice, the flavor, as the essence. Rasa means that essence as the experience. That which you taste, not merely the object of taste but the object of taste, the process of tasting, and the experience of tasting. The object of taste, the process, the interaction that occurs between the one who is tasting and that which is being tasted, and the experience of taste itself. The sense and the experience of the juice. The sensation of the experience and the juice of what you are tasting all combine together - not as divided ideas but as a singularity that is called RASA. And, when you know the art of tasting, the art of experiencing the juice, the flavor, the subtlest possible essence, then you know the art of life. We have lost the art of enjoying life. In the ancient texts of the meditative tradition, there are some passages; and in the Bhagavad Gita 4:24, the verse Brahmarpanam… That (Brahman - God) is rasa. Brahman is the flavor, Brahman is the essence of everything. All pleasure that flows from Brahman, and Brahman alone remains. When any pleasure becomes an experience of Unified Consciousness- a Divine presence, then you are experiencing, you are enjoying, RASA. The yogi lives in the mental field of that RASA, that essence, that ecstasy, that flavor, that juice of universal existence -- becomes so blissful. When you are enjoying your food, when you go to its subtle-most essence, you are then enjoying that omnipresent God which being omnipresent is also in the food. [Swami Ritavan Bharati completed a weeklong seminar on Intensive Meditation that was well received by those attending where he introduced the importance of rasana-buddhi. Through mindfulness and meditation, the experience of any perception can transformed through entry into the subtle body and experiencing the sacred in buddhi. This art of joyful living will be the subject of the upcoming 10-day Entrance to the Subtle Body seminar at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) ashram in Rishikesh, India from 25th February through 5th March.] ![]() |
![]() The Gurukulam Program:
AHYMSIN Sangha of the Americas~ July 25 - August 3, 2024 Himalayan Tradition: Transformation & Spiritual Destiny Dear Guru brothers and sisters in the Tradition of the Himalayan Masters, This is a gathering of Himalayan Tradition initiates of the Americas, global center leaders, sadhakas, friends, and their families. Come and deepen your practices during this unique gathering of like-minded seekers through daily yoga and meditation sessions, teachings and inspirations, which will include a 5 day Silence period. The event will take place at the beautiful St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, USA. The 10 day program will be comprised of: |
Himalayan Yoga at LMU—Los Angeles~ Randall Krause (Mokshadeva) Over the years, I’ve come to have the greatest respect for Dr. Chapple, not only is he a distinguished academic (he is the Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology at LMU, the Founder of LMU’s respected Yoga Studies Program, and the Director of LMU’s Master of Arts in Yoga Studies program), but also a true disciple of Yoga who strives to embody his Gurudevi’s teachings. I’ve have found him to be brilliant, humble, kind and extremely approachable and generous. In the years since completing the Certificate Program, I’ve worked with Dr. Chapple to bring programs to LMU to familiarize their students with the Himalayan Tradition. We’ve now held several such programs, with teachers including Stoma, Swami Radha, Sanjay Shastri, and myself. ![]() This year, Professor Chapple contacted me with a request for another program, and Swami Ritavan asked me to put it together. So I had the joyous opportunity to work with Dr. Chapple and his delightful staff and teachers to design it. The two-day meditation retreat occurred over the weekend of January 27th and 28, 2024, at the LMU Center for Prayer and Peace. There is a small plaza just outside where one can view the Pacific Ocean in the distance. It was an exquisite environment for a meditation retreat. Some folks sat on the floor and others on chairs. Dr. Chapple and Zoe Slatoff, who teaches Sanskrit at LMU, offered prayers and mantras to get us started in the mornings. The retreat provided basic practices that would enable attendees to build their own personal daily yoga-meditation practices, and covered joints and glands practices, sitting, breathing, relaxation, mantra and meditation, and contemplative walking (with a view of the Pacific ocean), spiced with philosophy and stories from my experience in the Tradition. About two dozen people attended over the two days, sometimes more and sometimes less. The participants were very attentive and interested. Read More |
Global Meditation Reminder
Full Moon Meditation
New Moon Meditation ![]() ![]() You are invited to sit in meditation for an hour wherever you are, in your home or with friends. Total beginners and longtime practitioners, non-initiates and initiates are welcome. If you cannot sit for the entire hour, sit as long as you are able; as Swami Veda has said, “Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise...” Global Meditations ScheduleFull Moon New Moon |
Upcoming Events~ Specialty Retreats with Senior Teachers Entrance to the Subtle Body Retreat with Swami Ritavan Bharati HYT-TTP Level 1 & 3 Retreats with Senior TTP Faculty ![]() ![]() HYT-TTP Level 1 & 2 Retreats with Senior TTP Faculty HYT-TTP Level 1 & 3 Retreats with Senior TTP Faculty ![]() ![]() ~ Dive Deeper into Philosophy with these Retreats Sadhana Panchakam with Rabindra Sahu Narada Bhakti Sutras - Treatise on Love and Surrender with Rabindra Sahu ![]() ![]() Navaratri Retreat – Cultivating the Divine Feminine with Rabindra Sahu Art of Joyful Living with Rabindra Sahu ![]() ![]() You and Your emotions with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan Guru Disciple Relationship with Rabindra Sahu ![]() ![]() Developing a Personal Philosophy in life with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan Path to Successful Relationships with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan ![]() ![]() ~ Retreats for Beginning, Refining, and Advancing in your Practices Preparatory Practices of Yoga Nidra ![]() ![]() |
Yours in service, AHYMSIN Office |
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