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AHYMSIN Full Moon Illuminations - July 2024

AHYMSIN Full Moon Illuminations - July 2024

Hari Om Dear Visitor,


Guru Purnima-1981

~ Swami Rama


God bless you.

[For all initiates] Today is the greatest day of the entire year called the Guru Purnima Day.

The word, Guru, is not used for any particular person or being. It is used for the center of consciousness, for the knowledge. There is only one life force, therefore there is only one Guru from where consciousness flows on various degrees and grades. That is why a human being is called Guru. Those who follow the spiritual tradition faithfully train themselves, practice, and serve others selflessly, love others, and learn to give knowledge to others. They are called spiritual teachers, and such spiritual teachers are also called Guru.

This day is not like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any other day.

This day makes us aware of the reality that life has some purpose, and the highest of all purposes is to get freedom here and now. Mother is your first Guru—matru devo bhava—who gives you training in your childhood, and makes you aware of other people in your family. Then comes—pitru devo bhava—a father who makes you aware of your neighborhood, and people around your home. Then you receive education from colleges and universities, environmental education. Yet, you do not know the purpose of life.

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Guru-Purnima Message

~ Swami Veda Bharati


Dear fellow wave in the Oceanward river of light,

The gravity pull of the earthly dense objects pulls all things downwards. The flame of spirit is pulled in the opposite direction by the Guru’s upwards pull. May you be pulled upwards like a flame. Be a flame of light to all thereafter..

A subtle sound is heard in the ears, an un-nameable flavour is percolated into the taste-buds of the soul. The song that lay asleep in the recesses beyond mind begins to float up and becomes music on the tongue. A touch of lightning into every pore. To those who have washed themselves; to those who have purified; to those who have made sacred their home – the walking, blinking, thinking, feeling home that has been built by the bricks of karma and the mortar of samskaras.

The Guru comes to perform a sacred ceremony in this home of yours. Have you truly washed the house clean? Have you spread out the welcome mat? Have you set his seat where he may be offered the five offerings of the senses, that he may consume them and leave you senseless? That from that seat he may speak the inspirations so subtle only the soul without physical ears can hear? For, the Guru is a sight only the soul without physical eyes can see.

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Finding a Spiritual Home in the
Mind of a Sage-Saint

~ Swami Ritavan Bharati



In the Yoga Sutras, the meditation practice prescribed in I:37, guides the disciple to concentrate on “yoking” uniting his mind with that of a sage, saint (guru). This sutra of Patanjali offers an aspirant a methodical practice of purifying the mindfield by presenting a subtler object of concentration. The object of concentration is the mindfield of those free from desires (vita-raga chittam). Such a method of meditation is honored as Guru-dhyana.

The meaning of this sutra rests in the experience of deep contemplation on the guru-disciple relationship. It is a practice of concentration (ekagra-chittam) on the presence of divine grace as light, love, and bliss. Guru’s light of knowledge dispels the darkness of ignorance and transforms mind-energy (chitta-shakti) revealing the highest consciousness (chit-shakti) and one’s true nature.

By continual practice (abhyasa) and dispassion (vairagya), the aspirant concentrates on the progressively subtle and subtler relationship with the Guru. Thus, the dispassionate mind-field of the Guru, becomes the supportive factor in the aspirant’s meditation.

The personal (guru) mantra, as the seed of the guru’s mind, grows and replaces egotistical identity with a glimpse of the infinite cosmic mind. It is the “dispelling of darkness” (gu-ru). When the disciple, through constant and faithful practice, makes firm the ground of his meditative state (samadhi), the knowledge of that level of awareness in the Universal mind-field (samasthi-chitta), is at his disposal. All relativity is dissolved into the substratum of pure love, and the liberated disciple knows himself to be Pure Consciousness.

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July Celebrations at SRSG

~ AHYMSIN Office

Guru Purnima

July is a special time at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG), as we all come together to celebrate two auspicious events dedicated to the Guru Lineage—our beloved Swami Veda Bharati’s Mahasamadhi (14 July) and the Guru Purnima (the full moon day dedicated to the Guru).

At SRSG, Guru Purnima is celebrated with 9-days of pujas, havana, and non-stop recitation of the Shri Guru Gita. The pujas began on 13 July and will continue till the Guru Purnima Day on 21 July. The events from 13 July (Day 1 of the 9-days Guru Purnima Pujas) and 14 July (Mahasamadhi celebrations) were livestreamed on AHYMSIN and SRSG Facebook pages.

The Guru Purnima pujas and fire offerings will be livestreamed on Facebook on 21 July beginning at 10 am India time.

These sacred days are times for all initiates and students of the Himalayan Tradition to pay our homage to the profound heritage of teachings, guidance, wisdom, and initiation we receive from the Guru Lineage. It is a time to offer our obesiances and express our gratitude for the teachings we have received from the great Himalayan Sages that continue to illuminate our paths towards self-purification and self-realisation.

If you would like to watch the videos, kindly visit below pages –


2024 - Journey with the Teachers of the Himalayan Tradition in Korea

Our journey in 2024 began on May 27 at 6 am with the arrival of Rabindraji from India. In the afternoon, Swami Ritavanji, Yoongji, and Tuetyienji arrived from the retreat in Taiwan. Voluntary service of Younggi, Seokwon, Doori and Kangju Jung allowed us to warmly welcome Teachers.

On May 28, we, Hansaji, Dr. Choe, Dr. Lee and some Korean TTP students gathered for lunch with the teachers at the Hansa Yoga Center inside Dr. Choe’s Cardiac Clinic in Wonju. In general, Koreans place a lot of importance on sharing food in relationships. This may not be unique to Koreans, but it can be said to be a bit more unusual. On this particular day, Hansaji’s first Korean TTP student, Myungja Kim who is 83 years old, made vegetarian dumplings with her love. We had a happy time with her, eating her delicious dumplings.

40-days Read More

Global Meditation Reminder

Full Moon Meditation
on Guru Purnima on 21 July 2024

New Moon Meditation
is on 4 August 2024

Full Moon New Moon

You are invited to sit in meditation for an hour wherever you are, in your home or with friends. Total beginners and longtime practitioners, non-initiates and initiates are welcome. If you cannot sit for the entire hour, sit as long as you are able; as Swami Veda has said, “Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise...”

Global Meditations Schedule

Full Moon New Moon

Upcoming Ashram Events

Guru Purnima Retreat with Swami Ritavan Bharati

Guru Disciple Relationship with Rabindra Sahu

Guru-Purnima-Retreat  Guru-Disciple-Relationship

Developing a Personal Philosophy in life with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan

Meditation and Its Practice

 Developing-a-Personal-Philosophy-in-life-Retreat  Meditation-its-practice

Path to Successful Relationships with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan

Navaratri Retreat – Cultivating the Divine Feminine with Rabindra Sahu

Path-to-Successful-Relationships  navaratri-retreat-cultivating-the-divine-feminine

Mind: The Playground of Gods with Rabindra Sahu

Meditation in the Bhagavad-Gita with Rabindra Sahu

mind-the-playground-of-gods Meditation-in-the-Bhagavad-Gita

Bondage or Freedom with Rabindra Sahu

HYT-TTP Level 1 & 2 Retreats with Senior TTP Faculty

Bondage-or-Freedom HYT-TTP Level 1 & 2 Retreats

Breath Retreat with John Sellinger

Systems within Personality with Dr Divya Gupta and Dr Swati Saharan

Breath-Retreat Systems-within-Personality

Meditation and Its Practice Recurring Retreat

Mauni Amavasya Silence Retreat with Swami Ritavan Bharati

Meditation-its-Practice mauni-amavasya-silence-retreat

Mantra and Purashcharana with Swami Ritavan Bharati, Raghavendra Adiga and Rabindra Sahu

HYT-TTP Level 1 & 3 Retreats with Senior TTP Faculty

Mantra-and-Purashcharana HYT-TTP

Navaratri Retreat – Cultivating the Divine Feminine with Rabindra Sahu

Navaratri Retreat

More Events

Upcoming Global Events

AHYMSIN Sangha of the Americas

 Ahymsin Sangha of the Americas

If you are unable to attend the Sangha in person, there is a package of the presentations via Zoom, and hope that you can enjoy participating this way! Information regarding the specific schedules will be forwarded closer to the event, and, the sessions will be recorded for your convenience.

For more information, kindly email at:

Family Yoga Summer Camp in Greece

Family Yoga Camp Greece

For more information, kindly email at:

Annual Silence Retreat in the Netherlands With Swami Ma Tripura, Pierre Lefebvre and Uta Bisseswar

Annual Silence Retreat in the Netherlands

For more information, kindly email at:

Cultivating Love Within, Entering the Sacred Chamber of the Heart Retreat in Japan with Rabindra Sahu

 Cultivating Love Within, Entering the Sacred Chamber of the Heart  Cultivating Love Within, Entering the Sacred Chamber of the Heart

Inviting Rabindra Sahu from Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama Ashram in Rishikesh, India, you will be given an opportunity to deepen your awareness of your body, breath, and mind through practical teachings of yoga and meditation. Let us embark on journey to meet Inner Self in a peaceful and nature-rich environment surrounded by the Japan Alps mountains and tranquility. We look forward to seeing you all soon!

For more information, kindly email at:

Meditation & Silence Retreat in Mallorca, Spain

 Meditation & Silence Retreat in Mallorca

For more information, kindly email at:

More Events

Yours in service, AHYMSIN Office




Contact Us

AHYMSIN, Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama
Virpur Khurd, Virbhadra Road, P.O. Pashulok Rishikesh 249203, India

Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama

© 2024 AHYMSIN