Mantra Initiation
"The first stage in guidance is an initiation into a specific mantra..." - Swami Rama
Initiation is a fundamental element within the Himalayan Tradition
Swami Veda Bharati invites people to prepare themselves for initiation and urges teachers to “prepare your students to become linked to the Guru lineage by way of initiation.”
“The first stage in guidance is an initiation into a specific mantra… The word mantra means that which liberates the mind from all griefs, sorrows and agonies. A mantra consists of one or more words chosen specifically for leading a particular aspirant to the final Truth. Not every word can be a mantra. Mantras are not composed by the initiator. They have been handed down to him through his tradition, having been revealed to great Yogis and Seers while they were in a superconscious state. The science of mantra is very exact, but very few people know or understand its significance. Once initiated the disciple repeats and meditates upon his mantra throughout his life. And gradually the mantra leads him to the stage of samadhi.” – Swami Rama, Lectures on Yoga.
“The practice of meditation really begins with mantra-diksha, the event of receiving a personal mantra by initiation through a qualified teacher or preceptor in the tradition of a particular lineage; all the rest is preparation.” – Swami Veda Bharati in Mantra after Initiation
Swamiji has written about the Process of Initiation in Mantra – What and Why –
“The ceremony of initiation in the Himalayan Tradition involves certain traditionally established procedures. Because it is a milestone, marking a turning point in a student’s life, the student is asked to purify him/herself for at least a day prior to initiation. This is done by keeping to a sattvic (pure) diet of vegetarian foods, avoiding emotionally disturbing activities, and cultivating serenity of mind. The student then comes to receive her/his mantra wearing clean clothes and having bathed.
At the time of initiation itself, the student is asked to bring a gift of fruit and flowers along with dakshina (a monetary offering to the guru lineage). These gifts are symbolic of the five senses of rupa (sight), rasa (taste), gandha (smell), sparsha (touch), shabda (sound), and they indicate a student’s sincere intention, not to renounce sensual enjoyments, but rather to subordinate them to the greater benefits of spiritual unfoldment.”
The student gives his/her trust and willingness to seek the Truth and to embark on the journey of Self-discovery (sadhana). The teacher, in a meditative state, and through grace from the lineage of gurus, receives and transmits the mantra. The student, having made the intention (sankalpa), is now committed to the path of spiritual growth and Self-discovery through mantra meditation.
Guidelines for Preparations for Mantra Initiation
Four Conditions for Mantra Initiation
- Keeping a fixed daily meditation time.
- Living a life conducive to introspection, meditation, and contemplation.
- Refraining from the use of mind-altering substances.
- Completing classes in the foundation of meditation including breathing, sitting, and other preparations of meditation with competent Yoga Meditation teachers to establish proficiency and understanding.
Preparations in Yoga Meditation consist of
- Joints and glands exercises
- Training the legs
- Sitting correctly: with a straight spine
- Relaxation procedures
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Breath awareness
- Breath awareness with so-ham mantra
Recommended Readings Prior-to-Initiation and After-Initiation*
- “The Himalayan Tradition” by Swami Veda Bharati
- “Mantra What and Why” by Swami Veda Bharati
- * “Mantra After Initiation” by Swami Veda Bharati
- * “Special Mantras” by Swami Veda Bharati
- Meditation and Its Practice by Swami Rama
- Path of Fire and Light, Vol. 1 by Swami Rama, p. 130-132
- Meditation: The Art & Science by Swami Veda Bharati
- * Art of Joyful Living by Swami Rama, p. 157-171
- * Path of Fire and Light, Vol. 2, by Swami Rama, chapter 9,”The Science of Sound”
- * Mantra and Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati, chapters 5, 10, 11 & 13
Recommended Audio Recordings
- Superconscious Meditation series by Swami Veda Bharati
- Mantra: Its Use and Meaning by Swami Veda Bharati
- Understanding Human Personality by Swami Veda Bharati
Request for a Mantra and Initiation Process:
The request may be made by submitting the application to the resident preceptor/initiator who will select an appropriate date and time.
Dakshina (Offerings):
One offers themselves to the Guru Lineage at the time of the initiation so that the Guru may purify their mind. It is traditional to bring an offering of fruits, flowers and a dakshina (love-offering) at the time of the initiation. It is neither possible nor recommended to try to put a price on what we receive through the Tradition in the form of our Mantra. Loving donations from the heart within one’s own comfortable capacity may be offered. Your monetary offerings are not personal to the preceptor/initiator, nor are they mixed with general ashram funds. They are reserved to support the sadhus (saints) in need of medical care and other help, as per instructions left by Gurudeva, H.H. Swami Rama.
After having received mantra initiation, an initiate may make an inner spiritual commitment to help with the Guru’s work wherever they live.
On the Day of Initiation:
- Please sit in meditation at least half an hour before the appointed time.
- Keep the stomach light; and for married persons, previous night’s celibacy is recommended.
- Keep the mind peaceful and pure, preference towards silence.
- Bringing an offering of fruits, flowers and dakshina (above); such are common in all the spiritual traditions.
- You will be guided to your initiation where you will sit in correct meditation position with your right ear towards the initiator.
- During initiation only listen to the mantra without reciting it. Remain in silence and the preceptor will guide the initiation and instruction. You may set your phone for audio recording of initiation and guided mantra meditation. A copy of the mantra-word(s) will be given to the initiate by the preceptor, along with further instruction.
After the initiation, remain in touch with the preceptor/initiator for additional instruction and guidance through email; or when teachers of the Tradition are at your local Center;
- Plan a pilgrimage to AHYMSIN world-headquarters in Rishikesh, India at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG). Contact: sadhakagrama@gmail.com
- The standard resources recommended by Swami Veda Bharati: https://www.ahymsin.org/reading-list/
- 5-year sadhana plan by Swami Veda Bharati: https://www.ahymsin.org/practice-for-the-next-five-years-and-the-rest-of-your-life/
- Read the Guidelines for the Decade of Self-Transformation (2023-2033): https://www.ahymsin.org/invitation-to-the-decade-of-loving-transformation/
- Please check out the AHYMSIN Full Moon Illuminations Monthly Newsletter at https://www.ahymsin.org/newsletter-archive and Upcoming Events at: https://www.ahymsin.org/events/ and make your visit and teaching commitments through ahymsin@gmail.com and sadhakagrama@gmail.com