
Meditation - Enter

Enter the path of Meditation as taught by Himalayan Sages


Superconscious Meditation

In the Raja Yoga meditation system, as taught by the Himalayan yogis, what follows are the steps of meditation. They constitute the foundation. The reader’s ego may want to say: “I have been practicing meditation for a decade or two, I want something more advanced, I do not need elementary lessons.” This attitude is incorrect.

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Guided Meditation

To practice meditation fully, one needs to take some basic training in correct way of sitting, breathing patterns and a number of other important adjustments in the body and the mind. Until you have such an opportunity to come to the ashram of the Tradition of the Himalayan Yogis. Do join in meditation – Your mind, body, breath in one spirit.

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Two Minutes Meditation

Start your inward journey, more seriously. Make that a part of your life. Make that your primal quest. Make everything else a means, an instrument for arriving there. And those who threaten you will love you, and their love will become your support. And those who bind you will become the ones who free you and liberate you. Learn to go into that.

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Full Moon Meditation Schedule

You are invited to sit in meditation for an hour wherever you are, in your home or with friends. Total beginners and longtime practitioners, non-initiates and initiates are welcome. If you cannot sit for the entire hour, sit as long as you are able; as Swami Veda has said, “Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise..”

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Questions and Answers on the Practice of Meditation

Music is an external stimulus, which takes your sensory system and mind in the direction of external awareness, rather than toward the inward focus of meditation. Concentration on some pleasant, external stimulus-such as a rose or soft music-can be quite soothing, but it doesn’t lead you in the direction of the highest state of consciousness within. Enjoy music at other times, but do not confuse this with meditation.

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New Moon Meditation

You are invited to sit in meditation for an hour wherever you are, in your home or with friends. Total beginners and longtime practitioners, non-initiates and initiates are welcome. If you cannot sit for the entire hour, sit as long as you are able; as Swami Veda has said, “Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise..”

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