Guided Meditation
by Swami Veda Bharati
Loving greetings to you.
To practice meditation fully, one needs to take some basic training in correct way of sitting, breathing patterns and a number of other important adjustments in the body and the mind. Until you have such an opportunity to come to the ashram of the Tradition of the Himalayan Yogis. Do join in meditation – Your mind, body, breath in one spirit.
Here is a simple method. From the sheet attached*, select whichever phrase you prefer. Always use the same phrase so that the mind may form fresh groves and deepen them.
Wherever you are – sitting on a chair, in the office, in a train, at an airport, standing at a bus stop, waiting in a doctor’s office. Use the time you have available for calming the mind because the mind’s agitations do not wait for any special times.
Now to begin –
- Bring your awareness to your being. Simply be aware of being.
- Relax your forehead. Relax your forehead more and bring your awareness to the feel of the flow and the touch of the breath in your nostrils.
- Breathe gently, slowly, smoothly feeling the flow in the nostrils.
- Breathing without a jerk. When you come to the end of the breath, let there be no break; immediately begin to feel the next flow.
- Now the divine name, or the phrase, or the count you have chosen. Exhaling think that name without a break; inhaling think that name.
- Continue to feel the flow. Maintain the thought of the same name.
- Only the thought in the mind, not in the mouth.
- Breathing out, thinking the same name; breathing in, same without a break.
- Observe how the mind, name, and the breath are flowing together as a single stream.
- Continue as long as you wish – feeling the flow in the nostrils; maintaining the thought of the same name.
- Without breaking the flow, gently open your eyes.
- Continue to feel the flow even with your eyes open.
- Resolving your mind to calm the mind in this way many, many times in the day for short 2-3 minute phases.
- Whatever you will do repeatedly with your mind will become the mind’s habit and the mind will re-discover its original calm nature.
- Walk in peace.