Superconscious Meditation
Preparation for Meditation
In the Raja Yoga meditation system, as taught by the Himalayan yogis, what follows are the steps of meditation. They constitute the foundation. The reader’s ego may want to say: “I have been practicing meditation for a decade or two, I want something more advanced, I do not need elementary lessons.” This attitude is incorrect.
Many aspirants practice blanking the mind, or holding the breath like an athlete, but they have not learnt the correct method of breathing. In our system, we check everyone on the following points, and only when the foundation has been properly laid do we go any further.
The systematic point-to-point steps in the method of starting the practice are:
- Diaphragmatic and uniform breathing.
- Correct posture, with a straight spine, and no feeling of discomfort in the legs, back or the neck. One should be able to maintain such correct and straight position of the spine without encountering discomfort.
- Shithili-karana, or systematic relaxation. One should maintain total relaxation of the neuro-muscular system throughout a meditation session.
- Awareness of breathing. It has some subtler modes that one learns gradually.
- Using a mantra or a sacred word from whichever spiritual tradition: (a) Initially a sound that flows easily with the breath, such as the word Soham. (b) After such a step has been mastered, a mantra-diksha (initiation into mantra) is given and more advanced methods of refined japa (mental remembrance of the mantra) are gradually introduced.
Anyone at any age can begin; the younger the better. On the other hand, it is never too late in life to start. Starting even during a terminal illness will be helpful, and may prolong life, or at least it will impart peace. The practice should be done at least once a day, for whatever length of time is available.
It is not in the length of the period of sitting that success lies, but in intensifying the awareness, which comes gradually. One may also practice it at other times of the day, when one is tired and needs a quick recovery of energy, when one gets angry or frustrated and wants to be gentler, when one is busy and is consequently tense and needs to relax so one can be more effective. One may do it waiting at an airport, a railway station, or in a car when someone else is driving. There is no restriction and no limit. No harm can ever come from this practice.
Recommended Readings
- Meditation and Its Practice by Swami Rama
- “Beginning Meditation” in Night Birds by Swami Veda Bharati
- Meditation: Art and Science by Swami Veda Bharati
- Audio with book: Learn to Meditate (plus relaxation exercises) by Swami Veda Bharati.
- Video: Treading the Path of Superconscious Meditation by Swami Rama
- The Royal Path by Swami Rama
- Holistic Living Manual by Swami Rama
- Conscious Living by Swami Rama
Understanding the Layers of Consciousness
Superconscious Meditation is a science by which a person may come to know his own Self and the Self of all.
The method of Superconscious Meditation is a highly systematic and scientific one which leads one from one’s gross level of awareness to the highest and most subtle state of consciousness.
This method is not a mere technique of relaxation but a unique method which makes the student aware of the whole philosophy of life and the knowledge of the fourth state which is beyond waking, dreaming, and sleeping.
Meditation is an inward way of fathoming all the levels of consciousness, from where consciousness flows in various degrees and grades. It is a tradition of the ancient sages of the Vedic period which does not oppose modern science.
In this unique system the difference between Self and personality as well as the unification of the personality are examined.
The methods of Superconscious Meditation, as based on the tradition of raja yoga, are taught in all their aspects in a system divided into various steps.
- Emotional balance through yamas and niyamas – including discipline, service and practice
- Physical training (Hatha Yoga) and cleansing exercises.
- Pranayama
- Mental exercises (what a person does is first done mentally)
- Relaxation practices (to change the brainwave patterns)
- Concentration
- Contemplation
Further guidelines are given on preparations necessary even before a disciple embarks on this journey. The preparation can be of many kinds: material, social, spiritual; of place, time and relationship. Above all, one must recognise the need for self-purification.
Preparation includes: satsanga, svadhyaya, regularity and moderation, attitude towards objects, cleanliness and order in all matters, fixed spot and fixed time for meditation, posture to name a few.
This training is ongoing and serious practitioners of yoga and meditation are welcome to join. When one commits to the path of Superconscious Meditation the true journey begins.
Recommended Readings
- Meditation and Its Practice by Swami Rama
- Meditation: Art and Science by Swami Veda Bharati
- Superconscious Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati (Pandit Usharbudh Arya)
- Audio Talks: Superconscious Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati
- Audio Talks: Understanding the Constituents of Human Personality by Swami Veda Bharati
- Audio Talks: Nature of Consciousness and Self by Swami Veda Bharati
- Video Talk: Treading the Path of Superconscious Meditation by Swami Rama
- Yoga and Psychotherapy by Swami Rama
Mantra – the Key to Deepening Meditation
Sounds themselves merely vibrate and actually have no literal meaning. Mantras operate at a level deeper than its meaning in words; a mantra has its effect because of its qualities of sound and vibration
It is not due to the meaning of the words that the mantra has its impact. It is the effect of the sound that helps the mind to become still and eventually go beyond sound, to experience the silence within
The mantras that are used for meditation in silence are special sets of sounds that do not obstruct and disturb the flow of breath, but help regulate the breath and lead to sushumna awakening, in which the breath flows through both nostrils equally. This creates a joyous state of mind and the mind is voluntarily disconnected from the senses.
In the process of meditation we must learn to explore our minds so that the mantra may be used effectively. The first stage of meditation is to clear the mind. It is essential to observe the thinking process and witness the contents of our minds. Thoughts will appear and disappear, but always learn to be a witness. Do not identify with thoughts, images and symbols. In this way we will learn which of our thinking processes are helpful and which are harmful. Always recall that our train of thoughts is our own product; it is our own direct creation and that is why it affects us. It is at this point in meditation training that a mantra becomes invaluable. The mantra is like a seed, and we are like the soil. The mantra needs time to grow. The mantra must be nourished. Persevere in repeating it mentally and silently within and slowly a new object will grow and come to occupy the mind. Eventually instead of watching our thoughts we will begin to watch ourselves repeating our mantra.
Recommended Readings
- Meditation and Its Practice by Swami Rama
- Meditation: Art and Science by Swami Veda Bharati
- Mantra and Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati (Pandit Usharbudh Arya)
- Video Talk: Treading the Path of Superconscious Meditation (Swami Rama)
- Mantra What and Why in Night Birds by Swami Veda Bharati
- Mantra After Initiation in Night Birds by Swami Veda Bharati
- Special Mantras by Swami Veda Bharati
- Audio Talks: Mantra Series by Swami Veda Bharati
- Yoga Psychology by Swami Rama