  AHYMSIN newsletter, Issue - August 2011  

2011 Events and Beyond

For a more comprehensive listing of Upcoming Events, please visit

2011 Upcoming Events

31st August, A meeting of schools to hear and discuss the work of the International Association of Yoga Therapists Educational Standards Committee, Monterey, California, USA


1st – 25th September, Mount Kailash Pilgrimage

with Swami Ritavan, Yoong, and Tinyu Chen

1st - 4th September, 2011 Symposium on Yoga Therapy and Research, Monterey, California, USA


2nd - 4th September, Balance in Spiritual Life, Hungary

with Pandit Vishnu Panigrahi. See:

8th - 11th September, Spiritual Days, Hungary

with Pandit Vishnu Panigrahi. See:

11th September, Afternoon Seminar, Ammersbek, Germany

with Wolfgang Bischoff and Ulrike Reher-Bausch See:

12th September, Full Moon Meditation


16th -18th September, Yoga Nidra Seminar, Innsbruck, Austria

With Swami Nityamuktanada  See: and

19th - 21st September, Spiritual Days, Hungary

with Pandit Vishnu Panigrahi.  See:

20th - 25th September, "Self Awareness - The Core of Yoga" in Vienna

Workshop with Swami Nityamuktananda.  See:

22nd September, Ashutosh Sharma teaching in Budapest.


30th September - 6th October, Introduction to Prana Vidya, Germany

with Ashutosh Sharma and Andrea Sharma.  See

1st October 2011 (Starting date) Training School, Yoga for Teachers, Study and Learning, Florence, Italy

Four-year course (2011-2015) for the Study of Yoga and Meditation according to the Himalayan Tradition in Florence, Italy. Please visit and

6th - 9th October, "The Goddess in the Labyrinth, Practices in Sri Vidya Tantra" in Umbrio, Italy

with Swami Ritavan, Swami Nityamuktananda, Susi Stefanini, Daniele Belloni.  See:

7th - 10th October, "Himalayan Blueprint for the Architecture of Your Life"  in Chicago, USA

HYMTA (Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Teachers Association) Retreat with Swami Veda Bharati, Swami Ma Radha Bharati, and Man Mohan Shukla. Open to the public. See:

11th October, Full Moon Meditation


14th – 18th October, Intensive Silence Retreat in Holland

With Swami Ritavan Bharati, Dr. Stephen (Stoma) Parker, Pandit Ashutosh Sharma. For more information:

15th October, Journey into Breath, Calgary, Canada

With Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral. See workshops at

21st – 23rd October, 30th Anniversary of Himalaya Institut Deutschland

With Wolfgang Bischoff, Swami Veda Bharati,  Swami Tat Sat Bharati, Swami Ritavan Bharati, Dr. Stephen (Stoma) Parker, Ashutosh Sharma. Swami Nityamuktananda Saraswati  See:

24th – 30th October, Hungarian TTP, Level 2, Budapest

with Swami Ritavan, Swami Nityamuktananda, Ashutosh Sharma. Contact:

28th –31st October, Florence  TTP

with Swami Nityamuktananda Please visit

28th October, History of Yoga, Calgary, Canada

With Pandit Hari Shankar Dabral and Valery Petrich.  
See workshops under

6th – 19th November, HYT Teacher Training Retreat, Levels 1, 2, and 3, SRSG, Rishikesh, India

Please go to for more information.

10th November, Swami Veda returns to Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama

10th November, Full Moon Meditation


15th November to 2nd December, Two - three times per week, Swami Veda will be teaching at SRSG

Prashna Upanishad (The Upanishad of the six questions on Prana) with the commentaries of Shankarachrya.

20th November - 3rd December, HYT Teacher Training Retreat for Chinese speaking students. Level 1, SRSG, Rishikesh, India

Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

4th to 10th December, Two - three times per week, Swami Veda will be teaching at SRSG

Select portions of Upanishads concerning the Mahavakyas (The Great Key Sentences)

10th December, Full Moon Meditation


12th to 19th December, Two - three times per week, Swami Veda will be teaching at SRSG

Continuation of Prashna Upanishad

16th December, Christmas Celebrations, Germany

With Wolfgang Bischoff.  See

22nd – 31st Dec 2011, Yoga Youth and Children's Retreat, Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh, India

“So that the Grace and the practices and teachings of meditation in our lineage may continue into next generations and meditation may become a family-centered experience.” — Swami Veda Bharati

Please visit the article on Swami Veda's upcoming Yoga Youth and Children's Retreat,or the article in the January 2011 Newsletter.

2012 Upcoming Events

Swami Veda will be teaching at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh.

Texts for January to May 2012 will be announced later.

9th January, Full Moon Meditation.


21st - 22nd January, "Meditation and Dying, The Perennial Ecstasy" in Milan, Italy

with Swami Ritavan, Susi Stefanini, Daniele Belloni, Guiliani Boccali.  See:

Late January - Early February, Insight Journey to Tiruvannammallai

For more information, write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

7th February, Full Moon Meditation


8th March, Full Moon Meditation


11th – 24th March, HYT Teacher Training Retreat at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama

6th April, Full Moon Meditation


4th - 8th May, Intensive Yoga Meditation Camp for Initiates Living in India


6th May, Full Moon Meditation


25th - 28th May, Teacher Training Days in Holland

with Swami Nityamuktananda.  

1st - 3rd June, Workshop with Swami Nityamuktananda in Holland


4th June, Full Moon Meditation


(These dates are subject to tweaking) Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

From Swami Veda's Schedule:

11th - 12th June, Hungary
21st - 27th June, European Retreat in La Verna, Italy
1st - 21st July, Retreat with Swami Veda Bharati, “Transitions and Speaking in Silence,” Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Click here for more information.
14th/15th August, Ecuador, Galapagos
15th - 3ist August, Rancho La Puerta, Mexico
4th - 30th September, Four Countries in Africa
1st - 15th August,  Congress in South America
11th – 24th November
, HYT Teacher Training Retreat at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama

(These dates are subject to change.) Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2013 Upcoming Events

27th February – 20th March, SRSG, 2013 All Teachers and Sangha Gathering, Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama, Rishikesh, India

  • 28th February – 9th March: 10 days of inspiration from Swami Veda Bharati, other leading teachers and experts.
  • 10th March: Final offering of the current three years of Gayatri practice and introduction of the new AHYMSIN community practice.
  • 10th March: Swami Veda Bharati will begin a five year vow of silence.
  • 11th-19th March: Some of the Sangha will take 9 days of silence.

For further information and to confirm you participation in this gathering, please contact the Ahymsin Event Coordinator. You can download a PDF with Swami Veda's invitation here.


AHYMSIN now has a Facebook Page. If you are on Facebook, we invite you and others in the AHYMSIN family to join: AHYMSIN Facebook Group. This comes with good wishes to you all.

Send in your news !

We hope that you share the news of what is happening in your centers with us so that the news can be shared with the larger global family, so we can learn more about one another and so we can strengthen one another in sadhana, becoming a true “sangha”.

