Peace, the Fruit of Silence – A Silence Residential Retreat in Italy

Peace, the Fruit of Silence
A Silence residential retreat, 21-24 of November 2024
with the teachers of the Himalayan Yoga Institute of Florence, Oasi Divin Maestro, Camaldoli, Italy.
The healing power of Silence, in action, word and thought, gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves. Diving into Silence leads us to witness, with deeper awareness, the nature of our mind, allowing it to calm down and turn inward. The proposed practices (hatha yoga, pranayama, relaxation, meditation, contemplative walking, ecc.) will help us to dive deeper towards the centre of silence, immersed in the location of Camaldoli’s forest.
“However, it is not Silence if you are silent because you happen to be alone!
Silence is silence when you have the intention, make the sankalpa, to keep a spiritual silence and then your mind is filled with spiritual contemplation and mantra, whether sitting, eating, bathing, lying down or running.”
Swami Veda Bharati
For more information you may contact the Himalayan Yoga Institute in Florence, Italy at segreteria@himalayanyogainstitute.it