Silence Retreat in The Netherlands
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Silence Retreat in The Netherlands
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Silence retreat

Every year, HYMNS (Himalayan Yoga Meditation Network Society), the Dutch branch of AHYMSIN is organizing a silence retreat. We welcome participants from the Netherlands, countries nearby like Belgium, Germany, and Scotland, and sometimes also friends from other parts of the world. Our retreat location is a beautiful former monastery that is now a conference center. Silence of centuries can be felt here. We have been coming here for many years now, enjoying the peaceful surroundings, our monastic-cell-like bedrooms, and the quiet hospitality of the staff.

This year we had our silence retreat in September with guidance from Swami Ma Tripurashakti Bharati, Pierre Lefebvre, and Uta Bisseswar. During these five days, we experienced the silence deeper every day, with an ashram-like daily schedule. Prayers, joints & glands, relaxation, guided meditation, contemplative and brisk walks, silently sharing delicious food and many contemplative moments. We were also blessed with beautiful sunny autumn weather.

Uta guided our joints & glands and hatha sessions, while Pierre and Swami Ma Tripura guided the meditations and sessions. With their knowledge, experience and love, they were able to touch our minds again and again to observe, comprehend, and guide us deeper into our practices.

Our retreat was culminating in the 24 hours of Akhanda japa from Sunday evening till Monday evening. The energy of the Tradition and the support of the whole group was vibrating as we recited the Akhanda Mandala Karam mantra silently and continuously.

In our closing circle on Tuesday, one of the participants summarized her experience clearly and beautiful: “it was Exploring, Experimenting, Playing and Enjoying”.

Book release

In the opening session of this retreat, HYMNS was pleased to release the Dutch translation of Swami Veda’s book: Mind: The Playground of Gods. This translation was done by Riemke, with much help of the Dutch sangha: 15 friends/initiates helped with reviewing and editing, every one of them doing a part of the book. They also helped with their experience and creativity to translate the most difficult sentences or words. It was a joyful group project, resulting in this nice little book.

Though most of the Dutch people do speak English quite well, it’s nice to have the teachings also explained in our own language for deeper understanding. You can order your copy of Mind: de speeltuin van goden via our mail address A few more Dutch translations are also available and HYMNS is planning to continue with translating Swami Veda’s teachings.

Retreat program next year

Our next year’s silence retreat is already planned: 19 – 23 September 2025 and will possibly be extended to a full week retreat till September 25.

We have also scheduled a winter weekend retreat with Pierre and Uta:  17 – 19 January 2025.

You are welcome to join any of these retreats.  For information you may contact:

Online activities

HYMNS is hosting the Full Moon meditations at European time (21.00CET) on zoom, guided by our European senior teachers and sometimes by Swami Ritavan Bharati. You are very welcome to join. We are also blessed to share zoom-satsangs with Wolfgang Bischoff, senior teacher from Germany. These satsangs are on irregular basis, about every 8 weeks.

Editor’s Note:

To know more about the Annual Silence retreat in the Netherlands, you may read more about their previous retreats: