Yoga is Samadhi
Published: 19 June 2024 | Written by Swami Ritavan Bharati
Yoga Year 2024-25
Yoga Meditation is the song of your soul, the sweetness of being. The music of your mind is the melody of feelings, and the music of your heart is the rhythm of emotions. The music of your soul is bhava and the subtlest is mantra. When your thoughts settle, when your emotions calm, when the entire mind is pure, the soul sings in the most inaudible, pleasant, and loving manner. A quietness that is so sweet, a savoring that attracts your attention within to experience your essence. This unified experience of aliveness-of being – this bhava is your most natural state, your mind in samadhi.
In each meditation, let the current of that mind-energy, that light and vibration arise from that willful source.
Let it move the prana, thereby moving the air that becomes your breath.
Go back to that connection, start your entrance right where you have emerged from it into the world of forms, and trace it back by the same pathway.
Trace it back, now, at this moment.
Just feel the flow and the touch of your breath in your nostrils.
Let it become an awareness of that oceanic current that in this form, is sending forth its rhythm through your embodied form.
Let the Mantreshvaras, Lords of the Mantras, send forth a stream of consciousness, mantra stream, breath stream, and awareness stream flowing as one stream, the flow as a single unconditioned, formless, effortless stream of consciousness.
In this most natural state of mind, you will understand Yoga is Samadhi.
As you transition and arise from your meditation seat, invite the mantra to be that aliveness that carries the flow of the perennial witness throughout your day. What you have experienced in meditation, this experience of bhava, is your purpose of being, your life philosophy. Resolve to apply these sentiments to your attitudes and behavior as your life psychology. Let these natural sattvic sentiments arise; the sentiments of loving, sharing, humility, and contentment arise to become the message of yoga through your sadhana each day of this Yoga Year 2024-25.
With homage to the living Lineage of the Tejo-rishis of our Yoga Tradition,
Swami Ritavan Bharati