Signs of Spiritual Progress

As students and initiates within the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation, we often find ourselves in moments of self-enquiry, questioning about our spiritual progress and growth. We wonder if we are truly advancing on our spiritual path, or are we merely indulging and fulfilling the mind’s fantasies.
Our beloved Swami Veda Bharati has taught us the importance and ways of identifying marks and signs that manifest in our everyday lives when we are making spiritual progress. His book of the same title will serve as a compass that helps us in navigating our individual spiritual journey with greater awareness and understanding. We will discover practical tools for ongoing self-enquiry that supports sincere discernment between true spiritual growth and the distractions of the mind. This will allow us to not only gauge our own growth but also to stay aligned with our ultimate spiritual goals.
Based on Swamiji’s teachings, this retreat with Rabindra Sahu is designed for all those spiritual seekers who wish to reflect upon, assess and deepen their own personal spiritual progress. We will explore practical ways and methods that may help us in cultivating those choices and habits which will support our ongoing progress.