General Articles golden_leaf


Vijñāna Bhairava teaching, 17th – 26th October 2014

20 December, 2013 @ 3:29 pm

The Vijñāna Bhairava is a fundamental Tantra of Kashmir Śaivism which is the main authority when it comes to spiritual practice and mystical experience in the Tantra tradition.

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Breath Practicum and Silence Retreat(s)

6 December, 2013 @ 3:11 pm

This retreat will be unique in that breath practices will be assigned to be mastered, with effectiveness, as part of the silence observance. We shall move on step by step from one level to the other.

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Effect of Yoga on Health

11 November, 2013 @ 1:21 am

The world of medicine today candidly admits that so far the underlying cause of disease has not been recognised in as much as we often treat only symptomatically or try to prevent complications rather than address the basic cause. For example, essential high blood pressure can to lead to kidney failure, heart failure and haemorrhage in the brain or a paralytic stroke. Drugs which bring down blood pressure do prevent these complications to a large degree, but at the cost of continued medication; their side effects and the disease is never actually cured.

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Am I A Yogi?

11 November, 2013 @ 1:19 am

The answer to the above question is: far from it. In my view, a Yogi is one who dedicates his energy and time with the single purpose of escaping the mortal life to merge into the eternal super-conscious state (Brahman) from where he never returns. To achieve his goal, he dedicates his mortal life to austerities (Sadhana) that enables him to attain Samadhi, a state of eternal peace and joy.

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What Is a Master?

11 November, 2013 @ 1:16 am

Over the years, some friends on social media and elsewhere, who perhaps liked some words I’ve shared, referred to me as a “master.” This always shocked me. You see, I’ve experienced a true master and I can tell you that I’m not one.

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Packets of Pain and Pleasure

11 October, 2013 @ 10:45 pm

It was in early 1987 that I first met Dr. Usharbudh Arya, who later took monastic vows to become Swami Veda Bharati. This meeting occurred at a Yoga Sutras seminar Dr. Arya was teaching in the San Francisco area, and I felt an instant and deep connection with him. To me, he was a perfect teacher: humble, grounded, with great depth of knowledge and absolute integrity.

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AHYMSIN Family “Sahaj Sewa”

7 October, 2013 @ 4:07 pm

As Swami Veda was moving towards his vow of silence, he asked everyone to use Sadhana in Applied Spirituality as a basis for spiritual practice in the next five years and continuing years afterwards.

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Meditation: What, Why and How

11 September, 2013 @ 10:53 pm

I’m dying to tell you…There was a lot that I learned this time (in India) that I never really knew before. And maybe you know, but I’m going to back up and start with when this began…I meditated…honestly meditated for the first time in my life about a year ago and I’ve been at it since 1971. I said to Shivram that I can’t tell them this or they won’t do it, he said “tell em!”

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11 September, 2013 @ 10:50 pm

On December 16th, 2012, I had received unexpected and shocking news that my close friend suddenly passed away while observing spiritual practice at Sukato Monastery. She was still a strong person although she had suffered from lower back pain for many years. Before she left for the monastery, she had just visited and stayed overnight with me at the Himalayan Yoga Meditation Thailand center. We always had several activities together here: swimming, dinner and exchanging our life experiences.

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Jaina festival of Paryushana and Forgiveness (Kshamavani)

31 August, 2013 @ 4:35 pm

It is that time of the year when Jainas celebrate Paryushana. This is the most holy celebration in the Jain calendar. It is the time when Jain laity take on vows of study and fasting with spiritual intensity similar to temporary monasticism.

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