General Articles golden_leaf


Message from the Japanese Group

30 July, 2023 @ 11:30 pm

Sixteen people from various parts of Japan had the opportunity to stay here at SRSG for two weeks, from June 11 to 25 , 2023. When it was decided to hold a course in Rishikesh to learn the practice of Pranayama from Dr O. P. Tiwari ji who is the director of Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, the organizer of Kdhama strongly recommended us to stay at this Ashram. Being able to deepen our learning while staying here made this 2-week course an invaluable and precious experience for us, and it continues to fill our minds and bodies even now that we have returned to Japan.

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Experience of Living in the Gurukulam

28 July, 2023 @ 9:44 pm

The curriculum at the gurukulam was a wonderful blend of Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Karma Yoga. In the initial weeks, we delved into the philosophy of the Himalayan tradition, learning the fundamentals of yoga and meditation within the Himalayan tradition. The teachings of Hatha Yoga, relaxation practices, breathing practices and all the subtle practices were not merely for physical health but served as preparation for our meditation practice.

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The Teacher’s Scalpel

30 June, 2023 @ 10:12 pm

A spiritual teacher is like a physician, helping cure one of a disease. Sometimes, the physician must take a scalpel and cut out an abscess or use a hot needle to cauterize a wound to bring a person back to health. The job of a Yoga sage is to remove the scum of his disciples’ false identifications with their ego identities, so they can find the clear light of the Infinite within.

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The Role of Guru in one’s life

30 June, 2023 @ 10:02 pm

Remember, it is the Guru's presence in your mind that takes form as your mantra. Your mantra is not just a tool for meditation, even though everybody talks about it that way. Mantra is the vibration of the presence of the Guru-shakti in the core of your mind. At initiation, it is planted as a seed, a bija, which is what the word bija actually means. As the mantra-seed takes "root" it leads your awareness into subtle depths of the mind through the process of japa meditation to finally blossom as the fruits of meditation with samadhi. Your mantra is guiding you into those finer and finer experiences of Guru's subtle presence.

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Japan Workshops in March 2023 – Spreading Seeds of Love

1 April, 2023 @ 3:06 pm

A fresh breeze of spring brought the Himalayan Tradition to Japan to convey the love, teachings and the wisdom of the Himalayan sages, which gave us a way to find Love & LIGHT within.

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Aapo Deepo Bhava – 2023 AHYMSIN Sangha Gathering

31 March, 2023 @ 6:52 pm

Each of these days I was just in awe with how, throughout the weeks, these moments were created in which the sacredness of life was invited in all these different ways — in the silent days, in the pujas, in the havans, in the artis, in the music! Every moment was to give you the opportunity to get in touch with that light — through people speaking and these attempts to make life sacred, to make life special, to make every movement an opportunity to, not reconnect, but to uncover, (to) be, (to) remember.

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A homage to our beloved Swami ji – South India Sangha

31 March, 2023 @ 6:11 pm

This 24th March, 2023 marked 90th birth anniversary of our beloved Swami Veda Bharati. To share the love he bestowed on us and how it had inspired our lives, we held an intimate virtual gathering of initiates residing in south India.

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A Winding Path

31 March, 2023 @ 5:54 pm

Thirty years have passed since the first time I walked into The Meditation Center in Minneapolis. I didn’t come to the Center for spiritual enlightenment or self-realization. I came because I was at a dead end. There was nowhere else to turn. The memories of that day in May of 1993 are still very clear in my mind. I was thirty-five years old and had been grieving the death of my mom for two years. The heavy grief had turned into numerous body pains. I tried everything to alleviate the intense discomfort, including homeopathy and chiropractic adjustments. Nothing helped. Many times, I cried out for a solution, but heard no answer. I didn’t think there would ever be an end to my suffering. Then I saw an article in the newspaper about how yoga could help people with back problems. Shortly after that, while visiting an osteopath for treatment, I mentioned that I was thinking of trying yoga. He told me that because of all my injuries, I should try a gentle type of yoga like they offered at The Meditation Center. At my first class we learned the Joints and Glands exercises. The long healing process began.

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Our Beloved Swami Veda Bharati’s 90th Birthday Celebration

24 March, 2023 @ 11:41 am

Our beloved Swami Veda Bharati’s 90th Birthday (24 March 2023) comes as a moment of loving remembrance and marks the beginning of a new era for all of Swamiji’s devotees, initiates and students. Swami Ritavan Bharati has named this new era as the ‘Decade of Loving Transformation: 2023-2033’, until Swamiji’s centenary birthday celebration in 2033, which would be marked by a large gathering at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) ashram.

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AHYMSIN Sangha Gathering 2023 – A Global Family Celebration

5 March, 2023 @ 10:34 pm

With Guru’s Grace, we were recently blessed with the Lord Ganesha’s blessings who removed all obstacles for all our global family members to finally return home at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) for the AHYMSIN Sangha Gathering from 12-25 February, 2023. This was our first biggest event at SRSG since 2016, and it was heartwarming to see everyone once again after such a long gap of many years. As many as 180 people from 22 countries joined the gathering at SRSG this year. Many members of the AHYMSIN Spiritual Committee and AHYMSIN Executive Committee, senior teachers, AHYMSIN centre leaders, and family members from all over the world came home for this joyous occasion. Some members had not been to the ashram for as many as 12 years. It was a beautiful gathering of family that is a celebration rooted in our connection with guru and each other, through our mantras, meditation and our practices.

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