What are the possibilities for spiritual learning after finishing TTP?


I would like to know which possibilities in education there are in continuing education / spiritual practice. I have done teacher trainings in the Sivananda organization (500 hr) and regularly follow courses, but I would like to go deeper into spiritual practice. Are there possibilities when you already have done teacher training courses?


Three have answered this question: Michael Smith, Lalita Arya (Ammaji), and Carolyn Hume.

Michael Smith

The best thing to do would be to spend some time at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG) and receive counsel from the Swamis there about undertaking meditation and spiritual practices.
The Himalayan Yoga Tradition’s Teacher Training Program (HYT-TTP) is also a Continuing Education Program. This link can provide details: http://www.himalayanyogatradition.com/progression.html#continue

Lalita Arya (Ammaji)

Spiritual experience deepens with Guru’s grace and constant devoted, dedicated and determined practice.

Carolyn Hume

Congratulations on your having completed a teacher training course and continuing your education. Teacher training can offer one a foundation that significantly impacts one’s spiritual growth.
Sadhana is a lifetime practice of spiritual practice and growth.  Regular practice in your daily life is the main way to go deeper.  Swami Rama has said that there are 3 secrets: practice, practice, practice. And this practice includes practicing the yamas and niyamas as well as hatha, pranayama, and sitting for meditation.  I think the possibilities unfold throughout one’s life, and one’s understandings and realizations become deeper and more comprehensive.

Many of the people who have taken teacher training courses continue to come to our ashram, Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG), for participation in the guest programmes because it gives them the opportunity to have a period of time devoted to day times filled with hatha, pranayama, and meditation. A main focus is to share with all who visit the science and philosophy of meditation. It can give one the opportunity to be with like minded people.

Also Swami Veda Bharati is in residence at SRSG, and when his physical health allows, he sits with people staying at SRSG during the daily silent meditation; many find this to be an experience that is profound and that deepens their own practice.

Silence retreats can help one deepen one’s practice. We offer guided silence retreats, both at various centers and at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama.

In addition, at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama we offer a variety of seminars and retreats.  People who have taken teacher training courses sometimes attend these.  Please check the Event Calendar for our Upcoming Events. I think perhaps some of these offer continuing education units, but you would have to inquire at hyt.ttp@gmail.com  to find out for sure.

We also have a 1 year residential course called Swami Rama Dhyana Gurukulam. Come for no less than one year. For more information, please see http://dhyanagurukulam.org/  Enquiry at gurukulam@sadhakagrama.org.

A list of Self-Study Readings, Recordings and Videos of Swami Rama and Swami Veda Bharati can be found at https://www.ahymsin.org/reading-list/.

And I would also like to invite you to participate in Full Moon Meditations.  For more information about this please use this link https://www.ahymsin.org/meditation_section/full-moon/.

Editor’s Note

If you have any questions about your spiritual practice, you may write to the AHYMSIN Spiritual Committee at adhyatmasamiti@gmail.com.


Faith and determination are two essential rungs on the ladder of enlightenment. Without them enlightenment can never be realized. Without faith we can attain some degree of intellectual knowledge, but only with faith can we see into the most subtle chambers of our being.

Determination is the power that sees us through all frustrations and obstacles. It helps in building the will power that is the very basis of success within and without. It is said in the Scriptures that with the help of sankalpa shakti, the power of determination, nothing is impossible.

Shakti is behind all the great works done by the great leaders of the world. When the power of determination is not interrupted, one inevitably attains the desired goal.

Decide that no matter what happens, you will do what you set out to do. If you are determined, possible distractions will still be there, but you will continue on your path and remain undisturbed.

Sankalpa (determination) is very important. You cannot change your circumstances, the world, or society to suit you. If you have strength and determination, you can go through the procession of life very successfully.

Be confident, self-reliant, and always say to yourself “I will do it. I can do it. I have to do it.” These confirmations build the power of determination, or sankalpa shakti.

Editor’s note

This is an excerpt from Sadhana, The Essence of Spiritual Life by Swami Rama, Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy, New Delhi, India, 1996, pages 34 – 35.