Gems of Ancient Wisdom by Swami Veda Bharati

A New Book Release

The Gems of Ancient Wisdom is a reflection of Swami Veda’s love expressed in simple words that manifest deep wisdom.

Our beloved Swami ji touched the lives of many. His captivating aura effortlessly drew countless numbers of those on the spiritual path who yearned for knowledge, who sought answers and comfort. Many simply wished to be in his luminous presence. “Let every person feel loved” was the message that was consistently demonstrated.

The book is a collection of some of Swami Veda’s talks and writings. In this book, he talks about the human life as a “work-in-progress” and has said, “edit and evaluate your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, tones, and actions in order to achieve happiness and avoid pain.” He further writes, “create a pleasant and satisfying goal in your life. Every time a painful thought from the past arises in your mind, look to the future you have set for yourself. Is this thought conducive to creating that future? If not, just dwell on the pleasantness of future successes and slowly everything self-destructive and self-deprecatory will vanish.”

Gems of Ancient Wisdom by Swami Veda Bharati

Swami ji’s teachings in the book reach out to seekers of all backgrounds at various levels of spiritual progress. Many of our AHYMSIN global family members have offered their loving and selfless seva in bringing this book together, including our wonderful team of transcribers and editors.

Ms. Rajini Prakash, Ms. Prakriti Bhaskar, Mr. Hans Gerritsen and Mr. John Sellinger worked tirelessly in choosing the right articles and organising them as a sequence, presenting the readers with a wide range of topics relevant to life today. Some of the chapters are a response to seekers’ questions; some are narrated as a story; others are direct guidance from a sage. All are drawn from the experience of eternal Truth by a realized being. Each chapter carries profound messages that engage and inspire the seeker to uncover layers in the journey to the discovery of the Self.

We are immensely grateful to all of them for the beautiful book that has now been published due to their loving efforts. Also, we would like to thank Ms. Nouf Marwaai for writing a profound foreword and Ms. Lea Sellinger for designing the book cover.

The book is now available on Amazon Kindle and via our publications office at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama (SRSG).


The AHYMSIN Full Moon Illuminations Newsletter this month recognizes the pains and sufferings of recent events as we reflect upon current and on-going global issues with a spiritual salve of healing through the teachings of the Tradition.

Gurudev Swami Rama explains how we must all understand the source of our instincts, urges, emotions, and desires to lead a free, happy, and joyous life. A simple practice I follow each day is to read the ‘Quote of the day’ from the Perpetual Calendar of Swami Rama’s teachings.

Recently, one of the quotes was:
“Be confident and self-reliant and say to yourself, I will do it, I can do it, I have to do it”
yet, the next day seemed to make this more practical for me:
“Increase your capacity slowly and gradually and learn to be patient with yourself.”

The ambrosia of decades of teachings by Gurudev and Swami Veda were a blessing for us. To live life harmoniously is to be free from the internal and external conflicts that fear creates are truly the illumination we need on our path of sadhana. When there is peace in the heart there is peace in the home. Through skillful and selfless living, let your inner-most virtue come forward from that infinite source to purify our personality. Let prayer, meditation, and contemplation be the healing salve for the mind. Let the mind reflect its most natural state of quietude, contentment, and joy.

You are invited to participate and respond. Begin with listening to the guided peace meditation by Swami Veda to gain freedom from the wrinkles of mind and conflicts of heart. With this sattvic mind, read the newsletter articles and contemplate a deeper meaning in your life and relationships. Over the coming days, make time to listen to the full lectures [Swami Veda’s lectures from the seminar on “Peaceful Planet, Heart, and Mind” – Sacred Activism and Meditation as Renunciation] making notes in your journal. Resolve to listen to the meditation twice each week over the next month to experience the depth of peace you may reach.

You may respond by addressing your comments to Divya or Adhikari at

Your audio references for the themes of Spiritual Activism and Meditation as Renunciation and the Peace Meditation are as follows:

Guided Peace Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati:

Lecture on ‘Spiritual Activism’ by Swami Veda Bharati:

Lecture on ‘Meditation as Renunciation’ by Swami Veda Bharati:


Yours in service of Gurudev,
Swami Ritavan Bharati

Examine your Fears

You should learn to examine your fears. Why are you committing the mistake of not examining your fears? Learn to examine your fears. Why think negatively all the time? Do you know what happens, what you are doing to yourself? Fear invites danger, remember this. Don’t put yourself in danger. 

From these four primitive fountains [food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation] arise the streams of emotion. Your emotional problems are related to one of these four fountains, there is no fifth fountain. I am putting before you twenty-five years of experiments and studies. Somehow or other, all your fears, all your emotions are related to these fountains. Those emotions could be converted into creative emotions. Gauranga [Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu] knew how to use emotion and attain a state of ecstasy. All the great men of the world, somehow or other come in touch with this, their emotional power. Wisdom through mind, through thinking, is not complete. Wisdom through emotion can lead you to heights of ecstasy. All the great sages following the path of bhakti or love, came in touch with this power.

So these four fountains, food sleep, sex, and self-preservation, are related to each other closely, very closely. There was an Irish woman, whom I respected very much, I respected her like my mother. She helped me establish the Himalayan Institute in the United States. Sometimes we used to fight with each other. At night she would quietly go to the refrigerator, eat, and in the morning swear that she had not eaten anything. I said, “Mama, it’s not good.” She said, “Son, I Promise I’ve not done anything, I’ve not eaten anything.” She would forget. When habit becomes deep-rooted, then you give up. There is compensation, law of compensation. She was not married, the psychological analysis was this. And in an Irish family, they are very conservative and she used to control all her brothers, their wives, children, and everybody. She was the head of the family. And she did not get married for the sake of the family. Remember this formula, this point, all of the body is in the mind but all of the mind is not in the body. 

We talk of God, we talk of this bible and that bible, we talk of this religion and that. It’s of no use if we do not understand the very basics in our life. Learn to regulate these four fountains, because all your problems come from one of these four. 

You are the victim of your habit patterns. Who are you? You are the sum total of your habits, that’s what you are. And your habits are the result of your repeated actions. Your actions, your deeds, are related to the four fountains. There are no books available for it. There are no books available on practical subjects anywhere, I tell you that. Self-discipline is missing in our educational life. Where are the teachers, the curriculum where children are asked to walk straight, to talk straight, to be gentle and straightforward? There is no such curriculum. These basic points are missing in our daily life. These disciplines should be introduced in the schools, they will be very helpful. Something about food, something about sleep, something about sex, something about self-preservation; these should be taught to our children. It will help them. We have to understand the primitive fountains if we want to lead a free, happy, joyous life

Editor’s Note

This article has been taken from the book Conscious Living, pp 27 – 29, by Swami Rama, published 2005 by the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust. 

HYT-TTP Fall 2021 Online Meditation Workshop

The HYT-TTP team would like to take this occasion to thank you once again for your wonderful participation and great generosity in helping Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama during the pandemic through the HYT-TTP spring 2021 virtual workshop. 

After the great success of the spring virtual workshop, we are very happy to share with all our AHYMSIN family members that we are in the final stages of planning for our HYT-TTP fall 2021 virtual workshop. 

The fall workshop will be held during the month of November. While the spring workshop touched on all ten subject areas of our teacher training, the fall workshop will focus on the primary practice of our tradition – meditation. Different aspects of meditation practice will be emphasized from a practical approach based on sadhana, by a group of teachers who have themselves delved deep in the practice. Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will once again be available for those registering to the workshop. 

All proceeds from the workshop will once again help to support SRSG through this difficult period until the end of this pandemic, when once more all sadhakas from around the globe will again be able to visit our spiritual home in Rishikesh again. 

Registration for the fall virtual workshop will begin in early October. Please watch out for the announcements coming later this month. 

We are looking forward to seeing you again and to be virtually together one more time for this once more very interesting event. 

Please also note that if you had registered for the spring workshop and have not yet received your letter of participation with your Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Units, you will receive it soon via email.

Peace Mantra Meditation

Guided Peace Meditation by Swami Veda Bharati:

Gather all your senses. Let your mind, body, breath be in harmony and peace. The seat of your mind at peace. Bring that peace to all your limbs., organs, and faculties. Feel the peacefulness in your forehead. Peacefulness in your vocal organs and your jaw. Peace descending into your neck and shoulders. Peace in your arms. Peace in your hands and fingers. Let them rest in peace as you breathe. Breathing gently, slowly, smoothly.

Peace in your fingers, hands, arms, and shoulders. Peace in your shoulders, peace in your throat center of consciousness and all its internal organs. Peace in your bosom, the heart center and all its internal organs.

Peace descends into your navel center of consciousness and all its internal organs. Peace in your thigh joints, legs, feet, and toes. Peace in your entire body from head to toe. Breathing with a smooth, gentle breath from toes to top and top to toes three times.

Guide the mind and breath upwards. Follow the ascending breath of peace to each center, pausing with three breaths in each. Peace in your navel center of consciousness. Peace in your heart center of consciousness. Peace in your throat center of consciousness. Your speech organs resting in peace. Peace in your forehead and deep within the seat of peace in your mind. 

Peace in the seat of your mind. Peace descending like a gentle dove in your whole mind, body, breath and through all your organs. Your whole-body breathing peace. Your breath descending and ascending from the crown to toes and from toes to crown. Feel this breath of peace, this gentle dove-like peace flowing through your whole body in each breath. 

As you breathe in and as you breathe out, let the feel of the thought ‘OM SHAM’ flow through your whole body. Inhaling and exhaling with OM SHAM five times. 

Inhale as though you are inhaling from your toes through your whole body. Your consciousness ascending with OM SHAM. As though you are exhaling from your crown and the peace prayer is spreading into the whole world with that exhalation with OM SHAM. 

REPEAT: Inhale as though you are inhaling from your toes through your whole body, your consciousness ascending with OM SHAM through the crown. Exhaling from your crown and the peace prayer is spreading into the whole world with OM SHAM. 

Continue five times.

NOW, inhale and exhale as though you’re inhaling and exhaling from the opening of a cave in the heart center. Remembering OM SHAM as you breathe. Enter the cave of light in your heart center. Light and peace and the mantra OM SHAM reverberating in that luminous cave of peace. Dwell in the luminous cave of peace absorbed in the reverberations of OM SHAM. 

And now even the reverberation of the mantra subsides. Be assimilated into the divine silence of this emptiness, of this sacred-space. Again, the conscious thought of OM SHAM and the luminous cave of peace in the heart. Your heart cavity expanding, expanding to include all who are brought into your intention. Their hearts, your hearts, your peace, their peace; OM SHAM.

Let this cave of peace expand, expand to include all living beings. All as One, life-force-beings together in your vast expansive cave-space of the peaceful heart. The entire earth, all living beings, all sentient-beings in harmony, love and peace as a unified stream of being.

Dwell in this vast expansive space cave of unity, of the all-pervading, all-permeating life force. All consciousness at peace. Resting in this universal presence. 

Slowly return coming back from that expansive space into the luminous cave of your heart reverberating with OM SHAM. 

Now follow the course of your mind into your breath. Feel the flow; navel to nostrils and nostrils to navel. Feel the touch and flow of your breath in your nostrils. Exhaling with the thought OM SHAM and without a break inhaling with the thought OM SHAM. Your mind, mantra and breath flowing as a single stream. 

Remaining attuned to the stream of consciousness in mind, peace mantra, and breath, gently open your eyes. Let the peace, the vibration of OM SHAM continue flowing even with your eyes open. Just sit and be at peace. Maintaining that presence when you leave from here. And wherever you are, whatever you do, let the peace-filled heart and mind, bring blessings of peace, harmony, and love to all. OM SHAM

Meditation is Renunciation

Swami Veda Bharati gave two lectures on “Peaceful Planet, Heart, and Mind” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, on August 5 & 7, 2010. This is an excerpt of the original lectures.

[Guided Meditation]

Let your mind unwrinkle; Relax your forehead,

Feel the touch and flow of the breath in the nostrils,

Breath flowing deeply, smoothly, without a jerk, without a pause between the breaths. 

Breath flowing nostrils to navel and navel to nostrils.

Now, along this pathway, enter your heart cave.

As you breathe, feel the heart cave expanding.

Light of love and mantra reverberating in the heart cave. 

All living beings–their consciousness dwelling in the cave of your heart.

Their love and consciousness is in you, and yours in them.

Vow never again to cause any hurt to a living being…….

Without breaking the flow, gently open your eyes. 

Maintain the same stream of consciousness even with your eyes open. 

May the divine spirit that is this living spirit of all living beings, may that One bless you and all living beings.

May all living beings bless you.


Any further commentary is unnecessary because you have expanded your heart and understood the unity of all living beings in you. 

The Bhagavad Gita says, “he who knows action in inaction, he who knows inaction in action understands the mystery of action”. Only a meditation master knows this mystery that is also the principle of Tao and of all spirituality. 

Action in Inaction; and Inaction in Action. Those contemplations are your guide, your inner guide, your voice of conscience, your third-eye of wisdom. Spirituality means meditation but meditation is not a withdrawal from the world. 

Let meditation be in your home and wherever you are. Contemplate it in whatever you do. What conclusions you draw from it for your life, for your actions, for your words, for your choices, for what you eat, what you wear, and what you do when sleeping, when dreaming? 

Someday, sometime, somewhere, in some incarnation, through the build-up over all of this time, build-up, build-up, build-up, build-up, there comes a moment. You will not know where that moment came from. It is part of that eternity that flows, flows through you; flows as the life and consciousness forces through all beings. You will realize that these ascending and descending forces, these expanding and contracting forces are not confined to this frame, to the skeleton of you, the body, or “I” “Me” and “Mine” as the possessions of your personality. It is part of that eternity that flows, flows through you and all beings. Then you will not be looking at your problems piece by piece. 

Someday, sometime, do you know when, when you made a choice, and those choices became the actions that brought you the results you call “my” life. You have made plans for everything. You plan for holidays; you plan for what you are going to wear. You have plans for your accounts, and for your insurance. You have plans for your son’s or daughter’s schooling or wedding. Yet, you have no plans for reality, though Reality has a plan for you. When will you cease identifying with these actions you call life, with the possessions you call your personal property, with this body and the issues you have with your organs? What you have now is not what you had as a child. Your personal property is only for a period of time. Whose property will they be fifty years from now? I don’t know who is going to inherit the molecules of my nerves fifty years from now. So, come on tell me when? Now don’t tell me; you decide it quietly and keep at it, and you will find your spiritual plans revealed when you meditate. 

Today everyone lives in pieces. You have fear of this; you have desire for that; you have anxiety about something; you have jealousy against someone; you have temporary love for this one; you have temporary aversion against someone else. You have a problem of losing weight and gaining weight, a problem with economy, politics, and all manners of social problems. Yet, when that moment of a flash occurs, your consciousness becomes unified, and no problem is separate from all of the problems. 

In the unified mind, you understand the force and source. Yet, today the way you handle your problems, others throughout the world handle their problems; it is all in pieces. Again, I say you keep looking at problems piece by piece. Somebody is talking about children dying hungry, somebody else about climate, someone is negotiating about limiting the nuclear weapons, and others signing a peace treaty somewhere. I would like to know over the last ten thousand years, how many peace treaties have been signed on this Earth. By now there should be peace, don’t you think after signing so many peace treaties, recorded or unrecorded…? So, each problem is looked at separately, separately, separately. Whom should I vote for? What is happening in my economy? These politicians are all wrong. So many problems, so much confusion.

When I was speaking the other day, I asked– “What do you want? Do you want to suffer recession, or do you want to enjoy renunciation?” If you will pursue an unbridled desire; you want this, you want that, and somebody else wants that and somebody else also wants that. For three months or two years, they are very happy with those possessions and at the end what? The book of Tao – the law of nature, states: ‘things return to their opposites’. And, unbridled growth brings a collapse. Why do you pursue those desires in an unbridled way? Because you have no other means of satisfaction. For that moment, you feel satisfied with the larger piece of the pie, but do you feel fulfilled even with that larger piece? 

When you discover a unifying stream, your sonar force, and your solar force, which are not confined to your five-foot-four, or six-foot frame, the forces of this universal connection, then you find connections among all things. And when you solve one problem and truly solve it, you will have solved all problems. There is a verse in a very ancient text of the Jain system of religion and philosophy, which you may not have heard of –  

एको भावः सर्वथा येन दृष्ट

सर्वे भावा सर्वथा तेन दृष्टाः

सर्वे भावाः सर्वथा येन दृष्टा

एको भाव सर्वथा तेन दृष्टः

Eko bhavah sarvatha yena drshta

Sarve bhava sarvatha tena drshtah

Sarve bhava sarvatha yena drshta

Eko bhava sarvatha tena drshtah

He who has seen one being, one aspect, sarvatha, in all its modes, from all its directions, thereby, he has now seen all beings, all entities, all aspects, all states, in all their modes and beings. That is called universal consciousness. 

I was saying that this economy is going to collapse 20 years ago. Nobody was listening, not because I have some great, some prophetic vision but because I know the laws of nature. The laws by which the forces of consciousness operate that the economies don’t read about. And you want to stop the next recession, stop the problems. How? Understand the forces of consciousness. Something I said that day with great, very great sadness, humanity, the way it is going, is going to go through enormous suffering. You haven’t seen anything yet. Unless you understand the laws of consciousness. The way your consciousness is going, humanity is bound to invite upon itself dreadful, terrible misery. Nobody will listen. Cut your desires down. It’s a very long time before humanity starts living by wisdom… very long time, very, very long time… 

Simple question, “So what do I do with my desires? I want it. But I really want it. If I don’t get it now, I am going to be upset. I am going to be angry. So, what to do with those desires? Because if I don’t fulfil them, I get so frustrated.” Meditation naturally, slowly, gently reduces the forces of your desire. Because inside you, you discover fullness. Not in emptiness, that you must pour a yet larger bowl of something into your stomach, thereby your mind will feel filled. When you will learn to renounce that which would otherwise be taken away from you feel the equilibrium of satiety. So, I leave you the question; “do you want to suffer recession or do you want to enjoy the renunciation?” Your renunciation will be helped by your mind discovering its inner fullness through the practice of meditation. That’s all. 

Meditation is renunciation. Renunciation means reduction of, reduction of possessions, property. Reduction of wishes and desires is renunciation; and with that naturally comes what in Sanskrit language we call ‘Abhaya’. This word ‘Abhaya’ means not causing fear in anyone, being of no danger to anyone, being a place of asylum for everyone. When the Swami raises his hand, that blessing says, “I grant Abhaya” I grant this recognition of the unity of all living beings; that is renunciation. May you be blessed with Abhaya.

[Guided Meditation]

Once again bring your mind’s awareness to yourself,

Renounce all external thoughts,

Feel the unity of life, the life-force breathing in you, the breath of all living beings breathed through you,

Breathing gently, slowly, smoothly,

Feel the flow with one divine name in each breath. 

Mind, breath and divine name flowing in a single stream,

Now, at this moment of mind’s calmness, renounce one, any one desire of yours…….. 

Having renounced making this offering to the inner light of the heart-cave.

Continue with the mind-mantra-breath as a single stream.

Maintain this flow of consciousness even with your eyes open. 

God bless you.